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Dear Lincoln School Community,

The Lincoln School Student Council was hard at work this month, helping those in need in our greater community. They collected a number of large bags full of brand new warm clothing items to donate to a local homeless support organization. In addition, the Golden Pencil fundraiser raised $438 for the Social Service Association of Ridgewood & Vicinity, and will be used to purchase gifts for children in need this holiday season. Thank you to our amazing Student Council, as well as to all who donated! 

Today, we gathered as a school community in our gym for our monthly Schoolwide Morning Meeting. The theme of the meeting was “Gratitude,” and we shared what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving, as well as enjoyed a read aloud of the book Thank you, Omu!, by Oge Mora. The book centers around the ideals of community, generosity and gratitude. Ask your child about today’s Schoolwide Morning Meeting!

As we head into the month of December, we have a number of wonderful upcoming events. Please note some of the important dates listed below, including the 1st and 2nd Grade Holiday Vocal Music Program, Holiday Mall, and the Grades 4 & 5 Holiday Choral Concert. 

On behalf of LIncoln School, I thank you for all you do to support our school and wish all of our staff, students, and family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday! 



Patrick Lee


Thursday, November 24 - Thanksgiving -  Schools Closed
Friday, November 25 - Schools Closed 
Friday, December 2 - Grades 1 & 2 Choral Holiday Concert
          Grade 1 parents 9:30 am/Grade 2 parents 2:00 pm                    
          Grade 5 Bingo at EMS - 7:00 pm 
Wednesday, December 7 - Holiday Mall
Thursday, December 8 - Holiday Mall
Monday, December 12 - BOE Meeting - EMS 6:30 pm
Thursday, December 15 - Grades 4 & 5 Chorus Holiday Concert
          10:00 am Students; 1:30 pm Parents/Guests
Monday, December 19 - Pizza Love Fundraiser
Friday, December 23 - Minimum Day - 1:05 pm Dismissal
Monday, December 26 to Monday January 2, 2023 - Schools Closed 
Tuesday, January 3, 2023 - Schools Reopen
          BOE Meeting - EMS 6:30 pm                       


FRIDAY FOLDERS (Click here to view Friday Folder documents): 

Santa Flyer Co. 1 2022 (NEW)
2022 Green Fair Poster & Video  
Student Council Golden Pencil Fundraiser 
First & Second Grade Holiday Performance Invite  
Toys for Tots 
Tons of Toys/Tons of Treasures Fundraiser  
Wyckoff Girl Scout Flyer 


For information about all school, district and PTO events, please visit our calendar on the Lincoln home page. 

Be on the lookout for weekly e-blast updates from school and from our PTO, usually sent out over the weekend.   

Please note that we also have an official Lincoln School Facebook page.  Please be sure to "like" us on Facebook! 

You may also follow Lincoln School on Twitter @LincolnWPS and Instagram @wpslincoln.