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Dear Parents/Guardians, 

As you know, next Monday is Halloween! The Lincoln School Halloween parade is scheduled for Monday, October 31st, at 2:30 pm. Parts of the costume that can be safely worn, and allow students to engage in learning, participate in recess/PE, and use the restroom, may be worn to school in the morning. Other costume attachments and accessories, or costumes that cannot be easily and comfortably worn throughout the day, should be brought in a bag and students may change prior to the parade. Please be mindful of appropriate and safe costumes, and note that toy guns, knives, weapons, etc., are not permitted. Parents are asked not to wear costumes or masks that conceal their faces.  Please allow plenty of time to park safely and arrive in time for the event.  If you are a parent that is volunteering during a class event, please be sure to sign in at the front office and wear a badge when in the building.  We hope you can join us for this fun tradition here at Lincoln School. If there is any change in the parade due to rainy weather, I will keep parents informed as soon as possible.

Next Thursday, we will welcome author Sarah Weeks for our annual “Author Day!” Please click here for the flyer regarding special dress up attire to welcome our guest. We look forward to Mrs. Weeks joining us and sharing her writing process as well as the inspiration behind her acclaimed books and characters. We can’t wait! 

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 2nd and Wednesday, November 16th from 1:45 - 7:40 pm. As in previous years, we will be scheduling conferences electronically. You should have already received an email with a link for electronic scheduling.  If you have not already scheduled a Parent/Teacher Conference with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher as soon as possible via email to schedule. These two days will be minimum days for students, with a 1:05 pm dismissal. Please note that pizza lunch will not be served on these days, and students in grades 1-5 will not have lunch. Kindergarten students will still have lunch in their classrooms on minimum days. 

Please click here to view the first episode of season 2 of "The Lion's Den," a student produced news program here at Lincoln School. In this episode, our students interview a dog trainer who works with canines on Broadway, including "Annie," this year's 5th grade musical. Great job students!

The photographer from Rod Bolton  will be back at Lincoln School on Wednesday, November 2nd at 10:00 am to retake pictures of those children who were absent, who are new to the District, whose eyes are closed, who had hair in their face for the photo, or for those who personally contacted the photographer requesting a retake. 

Have a wonderful weekend!



Patrick Lee



Monday, October 31 - Halloween Parade - 2:30 pm
Wednesday, November 2 - Students Minimum Day - 1:05 pm dismissal
                              Parent/Teacher Conferences 
                              Rod Bolten - Photo Retakes - 10:00 am
Thursday, November 3 - Author Visit - Sarah Weeks 2:30 pm
Friday, November 4 - Rotary Visits Grade 3 - 11:00 am
Thursday, November 10 - Schools Closed (NJEA Convention)
Friday, November 11 - Schools Closed (NJEA Convention)
Monday, November 14 - BOE Meeting - 6:30 pm
Wednesday, November 16 - Students Minimum Day - 1:05 pm dismissal
                              Parent/Teacher Conferences 


FRIDAY FOLDERS (Click here to view Friday Folder documents): 

Sarah Weeks Dress Letter (NEW)
Literary Lions Grades 2-3 Permission Slip (NEW)
Coordinating Council Invite (NEW)
Winter Clothes Drive (NEW)
Jersey Mike’s Half Day Lunch Fundraiser
Wyckoff Rec - Spring LX Boys/Girls Flyer 
Fall Festival Flyer 2022
Zabriskie House Flyer 
Grade 5 Safety Patrol Letter 
Lincoln Cards for a Cause Fundraiser
Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce - Safe Trick or Treat Event 



Literary Lions for Grades 2-3 is a creative writing group run by parent volunteers to encourage the young writers at Lincoln School. We would like to invite 15 students in these two grades to join us in creating a literary magazine of writing pieces to be shared with the Lincoln School community at the end of the year. The group will be held in the art room on the first Thursday of each month. Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, November 3. Permission slips are available in the Friday Folder, by clicking here. There are 15 spots available, so please get permission slips in before Wednesday, November 2nd to secure your spot.


The Nicholas Markets team has some exciting news to share! Their mobile app is officially live and available for download in both the iPhone App  store and Google Play! Click the links below to download the app.


For information about all school, district and PTO events, please visit our calendar on the Lincoln home page.  

Be on the lookout for weekly e-blast updates from school and from our PTO, usually sent out over the weekend.   

Please note that we also have an official Lincoln School Facebook page.  Please be sure to "like" us on Facebook! 

You may also follow Lincoln School on Twitter @LincolnWPS and Instagram @wpslincoln.