Dear Lincoln School Community,
Thank you also to all who donated a newly published book to our media center through our “Lincoln Library Lovers” program. This is a terrific way to provide a lasting donation to our school. We appreciate your support of our media center.
"Read Across America Week," a nationally designated week devoted to a celebration of reading, begins on Monday, March 3rd. Thank you to our media specialist, Mrs. Husstege, for planning a fun and engaging week. Please click here to view the flyer, which includes dress-up days, and get ready to read! The celebration kicked off earlier this morning with a special “hallway read” together as a school.
In addition to "Read Across America Week," Lincoln School is going to extend our love of literacy throughout the month of March! We have exciting events planned, including interactive activities, whole-school book reads, book giveaways, and more. This year, we are continuing the “One School, One Book” initiative and have chosen one book for students in grades 3-5 to read and another set of two books for students in grades K-2 to read. On Monday we will provide copies of The Flashback Four: The Lincoln Project, by Dan Gutman, to each Lincoln School family with a student in grades 3-5. We will also be delivering The Secret Explorers and the Lost Whale, by SJ King, to each Lincoln School family with a student in grades K-2. We are waiting for “Book 2” of The Secret Explorers series to arrive, but will be providing this book as well! Thank you to our PTO for their support through the purchase of these books for our school community! We invite families to read along each night, or listen to chapters read aloud by Lincoln School staff members. Please click here to access the audio chapters of The Lincoln Project and here for the audio chapters of The Secret Explorers. The calendar of events, including suggested chapter readings for the books, may be found here.
We also have a creative new “Lincoln Loves Reading Challenge” for the month of March. Students and staff will try to collectively read the height of all the Lincoln School ‘grownups,’ earning progress towards the goal for each book read. If we can conquer this challenge, I have agreed (with some creative student input) to work towards a fun schoolwide reward. (Students will share their ideas in Media.) Please click here to view the Lincoln Loves Reading Challenge 2025 form, and input books read for the challenge. For any students who would also like to independently input their reading to our Lincoln challenge, Mrs. Flanagan has shared the link with students in grades 2-5 in their technology Google Classroom. Can’t wait to see which reward we choose, and if they can meet our schoolwide goal!
We are excited to announce that our students will be participating in SEL (Social Emotional Learning) activities on March 12th. Students will attend workshops during one class period of the day. Each workshop is carefully designed for our students by Lincoln staff members to promote self awareness, focus, and self confidence. We look forward to providing students with this valuable opportunity to learn skills that promote well- being.
Current grade 5 parents, please click here to view the Save the Date for Fairview Lake Overnight Trip in the fall.
Finally, I wish a "Ramadan Mubarak" to all those who are observing Ramadan beginning this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend!
Patrick Lee
Monday, March 3 - to Friday, March 7 - Read Across America Week
Thursday, March 6 - Lincoln PTO Meeting 9:15 am
Friday, March 7 - Grade 5 Talent Show 1:30 pm
Tuesday, March 11 - Literary Lions Grades 3-5 3:20 pm to 4:10 pm
Wednesday, March 12 - SEL Day
Friday, March 14 - Pi Day
Monday, March 17 - BOE Meeting - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, March 19 - Science Fair - 6:00 pm
Monday, March 21 - Report Cards available online after school
Wednesday, March 26 - Author visit
Science Fair S/D
Friday, March 28 - Dad’s Night 6:30 pm
FRIDAY FOLDERS (Click here to view Friday Folder documents):
2025 Spring Tennis Lessons (NEW)
2025 Spring Gold Flyer (NEW)
Incoming 6th Grade SAVE the date - Fairview Lake Overnight Trip (NEW)
Science Trivia #1 (NEW)
Lincoln Loves Reading Calendar 2025 (NEW)
Pi Day Digits Contest 2025
2025-2026 Preschool Announcement
Summer Academies - Music
Parents and guardians of incoming Kindergarteners, please click here for information on registering your child in the digital portal for September 2025. If you have an incoming Kindergartener who will be five years of age on or before October 1, 2025 that will be attending Lincoln School in September, please email Mrs. DiMeglio at so that we may begin planning accordingly. When registering, please select that your incoming Kindergartener is a sibling of a current student, by using the drop down indicating that your older child attends Lincoln School.
Please note the following dates for the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) for students in grades 3-5. The assessments will begin after the morning meeting each day, at approximately 9:15 am.
English Language Arts (Grades 3-5) - Wednesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 8th
Mathematics (Grades 3-5) - Tuesday, May 13th, Wednesday, May 14th & Thursday, May 15th.
Science (Grade 5 only) - Thursday, May 22nd and Friday, May 23rd
For information about all school, district and PTO events, please visit our calendar on the Lincoln home page.
Be on the lookout for weekly e-blast updates from school and from our PTO, usually sent out over the weekend.
Please note that we also have an official Lincoln School Facebook page. Please be sure to "like" us on Facebook!
You may also follow Lincoln School on X @LincolnWPS and Instagram @wpslincoln.