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Dear Lincoln School Community,

Thank you to Mrs. Soriano for coordinating the “Week of Respect” this past week. Activities and dress-up days helped to bring the school together to recognize respect for self, respect for others, and respect for our school community. “Respect” is also our Core Value for the month of October. I see so many examples each and every day of respect here at school - keep it up Lincoln Lions!

Thank you to Mrs. McCahill, Mrs. Salsberg, our PTO, and all of our parent volunteers and staff for assisting us with this year’s Fall Book Fair. We had a terrific response to the Fair. There is nothing better than getting new and exciting books in the hands of our students. Keep reading, Lincoln Lions!

The first “Connected Parent Night” of the school year will be held on October 23rd here at Lincoln School. The workshop, entitled Leaping Forward as Literacy Learners: Supporting your Kindergartener at Home, will be led by Lincoln Reading Specialist Mrs. Barbieri and Lincoln Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Lacasse.  This session is intended for the parents of Kindergarten students looking to support their child’s growth in emergent literacy. Please click here to view the flyer. 

The Mile Run Makeup date for any 3rd-5th grade students who were unable to run during their regular class time will be Wednesday, October 16th @ 8:10am. Mr. White will meet students by the softball/baseball fields, and it will take 15 minutes maximum! Thank you in advance!

For planning purposes, our Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 11th and 18th. The conferences will run from 12:15 pm to 8:00 pm on November 11th, and 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on November 18th. Teachers will email an electronic signup form on Wednesday, October 16th, after school.

Our Halloween parade will be held on Thursday, October 31st, at 2:30 pm. Parts of the costume that can be safely worn, and allow students to engage in learning, participate in recess/PE, and use the restroom, may be worn to school in the morning. Other costume attachments and accessories, or costumes that cannot be easily and comfortably worn throughout the day, should be brought in a bag and students may change prior to the parade. Please be mindful of appropriate and safe costumes, and note that toy guns, knives, weapons, etc., are not permitted. We hope you can join us for this fun tradition here at Lincoln School!

Please note that Monday, October 14th, is a minimum day for all students, with a 1:05 dismissal. Nicholas Market and PTO lunch will not be served; however, Kindergarten students should bring a packed lunch.

Finally, I extend my best wishes for an easy fast to everyone in the Lincoln School community who is observing Yom Kippur this weekend.

Have a great weekend!


Patrick Lee

Monday, October 14 - Minimum Day for students - 1:05 dismissal 
                                      Professional Development Day for Teachers
                                      BOE Meeting 6:30 pm
Tuesday, October 15 - Literary Lions in Art room - 3:20 to 4:10 pm
Wednesday, October 16 - Fire Safety Assembly K-2 - 9:00am
Thursday, October 17 - PTO meetings - 9:15 am MPR
Monday, October 21 - Friday, October 25 - School Violence Awareness Week
Thursday, October 24 - Author Day K-5
Friday, October 25 - Fall Festival - 3:20 pm
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Parade - 2:30 pm
Friday, November 1 - District Grade 5 Bingo at EMS - 7:00 pm
Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8 - Schools Closed Teacher Convention
Monday, November 11 - BOE Meeting 6:30 pm at EMS
                                      Schools Closed for students - Conferences 
Wednesday, November 12 - Literary Lions Grades 3-5 Art Room - 3:20 to 4:10 pm
Thursday, November 14 - PTO Meeting MPR - 9:15 am
Sunday, November 17 - District wide Harlem Wizards vs. Wyckoff staff  game at Ramapo
                                      High School - 4 pm
Monday, November 18 - Minimum Day for Students - 1:05 dismissal/Conferences
Tuesday, November 19 - Delayed Opening - 10:20 am

FRIDAY FOLDERS (Click here to view Friday Folder documents):
Leaping forward as Literacy Learners Support your Kindergartener at Home (NEW)
GS Halloween Costume Drive (NEW)
Creative Cooking November (K-2)
Fall Festival Flyer 
Wyckoff Rec - Basketball Grades 1-12 24-25
Wyckoff Rec - Basketball Grades 9-12 
Wyckoff Rec - Men's Basketball  
Wyckoff Rec - Roller Hockey 24-25 Registration
Wyckoff Rec - Roller Hockey Clinic
Wyckoff Rec - Wrestling 24-25
2024 Fall Chess Club - September - October 


Please note the following dates for the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJ SLA) for students in grades 3-5. The assessments will begin after the morning meeting each day, at approximately 9:15 am.

English Language Arts (Grades 3-5) - Wednesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 8th
Mathematics (Grades 3-5) - Tuesday, May 13th, Wednesday, May 14th & Thursday, May 15th.
Science (Grade 5 only) - Thursday, May 22nd and Friday, May 23rd      

For information about all school, district and PTO events, please visit our calendar on the Lincoln home page. 

Be on the lookout for weekly e-blast updates from school and from our PTO, usually sent out over the weekend.  

Please note that we also have an official Lincoln School Facebook page.  Please be sure to "like" us on Facebook!

You may also follow Lincoln School on Twitter @LincolnWPS and Instagram @wpslincoln.